Disability Support

Emerge Aotearoa offers a broad range of support services for people with disabilities, who may also be experiencing mental health challenges. We build trusting relationships with those we work alongside to provide respectful, enriching support.

Regional Intellectual Disability Supported Accommodation Service (RIDSAS)

Through the RIDSAS, we provide specialised accommodation and residential services for people with an intellectual disability. The service supports people to reach and maintain their independence in a safe, comfortable home.


Intensive Community Support

Intensive community support is helpful when someone is living independently in the community and managing the symptoms of a significant mental health diagnosis. Our team works alongside people to access community services and activities, engage with social or recreational pursuits, and work towards the goals that are important to them.

Supported Independent Living

Emerge Aotearoa supports people with a disability to continue living independently. This support helps the person to achieve their goals and access everyday services or activities they may need such as education, and engagement with family and whānau. 

