Jason descends from the Rogers whanau of Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi and the Leonard whanau of Ngati Rangiwewehi.
He has a Bachelor of Management Studies (with Honours) from Waikato University. After graduating, he joined Ernst & Young for six years where he qualified as a Chartered Accountant for NZ and AU (CA). He has subsequently worked for a US investment bank - Bankers Trust (1 year), a large UK private equity house - Pacific Investments PLC (4 years) and a top 10 National Group Builder - Generation Homes (5 years).
He is a professional director and sits on a number of Boards as Chair, Independent Director and Trustee in the Iwi Settlement space. He also acts as Lead Advisor to organisations seeking to undertake mixed use housing developments where open market and public housing outcomes are delivered.
He has a wide range of experience in governance, strategy, funds management, leadership mentoring, audit and risk, land development, property investment, strategic partnerships, business development, direct investment and private equity.
He is passionate about advancing the interests of lwi and Pasifika by utilising economic capacity to deliver better outcomes.