The Improving Mental Health Service
This service offers support for those who are experiencing mild to moderate mental health challenges. We use talking therapies which are beneficial and effective in supporting individuals to develop skills and strategies to self-manage over time. Our Registered Health Professionals are skilled and experienced in a range of therapies and interventions.
The service is offered within prisons and some probation sites across the Northern and Central regions (Northland to Turangi). Referrals can only be made by Corrections kaimahi to the service.
Kia Tupu Whakaritorito
This is a mātauranga Māori drug and alcohol intervention designed specifically for implementation in the men’s Ara Poutama remand and correctional facility in Tāmaki Makaurau.
A collaborative partnership between Mahitahi Trust and Emerge Aotearoa, Kia Tupu Whakaritorito is rooted in Ngā Pou e Waru, the kaupapa herenga of Mahitahi Trust. Kia Tupu Whakaritorito has a values-based, relational model of care that integrates practice-based evidence with mātauranga Māori to create a comprehensive programme. This programme is responsive to the unique needs of men in prison, addressing the prevalence of mental health issues, neurodiversity, and trauma.
In addition to evidence-based approaches, Kia Tupu Whakaritorito offers a suite of wellbeing tools and strategies that incorporate a range of action-based activities to engage the senses using a range of modalities designed to support people to move from a reactive state to one that is connected: with the whenua, their whānau, hapu, and iwi.