After transitioning to our community-based intensive rehabilitation services, Rachel wanted to grow her independence and learn new life skills. Having worked in sheltered employment where people with disabilities receive training to develop their work skills, Rachel’s goal was to move into open employment.
How we supported Rachel
When Rachel joined our services, she began studying for her Level 3 Certificate in Hostpitality, focusing on the skills needed to work in the food services industry. As part of her certiifcate, she wanted to do a barista course, and began working with kaimahi on an application to Emerge Aotearoa’s What Will Make A Difference Fund (WWMADF) to help cover the costs of the course. Her key worker assisted with obtaining quotes and submitting the application, and when this was successful, kaimahi transported Rachel to and from the course until she was able to do this independently. Rachel practised her barista skills with kaimahi and they supported her when she needed to complete assignments.