Ka Puta Ka Ora Emerge Aotearoa delivers youth community-based services such as Multi Systemic Therapy (MST) which is an evidence-based, family driven treatment for young people with challenging behaviour.
Kelsey was having a difficult time in her life following the COVID-19 lockdowns. It had interrupted her schooling and after experiencing a decline in her mental health, which resulted in self-harm, she moved back to living with her father. The 14-year-old stopped going to school and her behaviour at home became aggressive. During this time, she started vaping and staying up late at night. This behaviour had an impact on her father, who was struggling with his own mental health, and did not know what he could do to change the situation.
Eventually, Kelsey’s non-attendance at school led to her being taken off the school roll, and her father did not know where to start to get her re-enrolled.